Planning A Textural Meadow Installation
There’s a magic in finding meadows in unexpected places. Dark architectural corners illuminated by plants, foliages, florals and moss create atmosphere, interest and opportunities for striking photography.
In order to bring a design like this into fruition, my team and I create smaller sections in the studio ahead of set-up day. Quantities, processes and logistics can be finalised and finessed, which leads to a more seamless and enjoyable installation experience. To see how all the elements work together as the light moves through the design over the course of the day, is also valuable. It is these detailed observations and careful planning which bring designs such as this to life, and ensures their longevity throughout the duration of the event. This particular installation kept fresh for seven days, with only minimal refreshing.
Featuring: Heuchera, Ornamental Grasses, Artichoke, Banksia, Celosia, Limonium and others.